Junho Kim


“I am not a visionary. I'm an engineer. I'm happy with the people who are wandering around looking at the stars but I am looking at the ground and I want to fix the pothole before I fall in.”― Linus Torvalds

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Python, Linux, Computer vision, Embedded system, Deep learning, Image generative AI


Degree Major University Grad. date
B.E. (4.15/4.5) Electronics SangMyung (Seoul) Univ. February 2023
M.S. Computer Science SangMyung (Seoul) Univ. February 2025

Activities: [Highlighted: ⭐, code: </>, report: 📝, video: 🎥]

  1. [Undergraduate research assistant🧑‍💻] Creative Contents Lab (CCLab) 2021-02 ~ 2022-06
    • </> 📝 Research on protecting adversarial attack in image domain.
    • 🚀Project implementing ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistace System). Verified by 국토교통과학기술진흥원
  2. [M.S researcher🧑‍💻] Computer Graphics and Visual Media Lab (CGVM) 2022-07 ~ Now
    • Conducted variaous experiments on rotating artistic portraits using GAN-based model. [publication 3.]
    • Conducted variaous experiments on synthesizing portrait sketches using Diffusion model. [publication 2.]
    • </>Research on synthesizing artistic landscape sketch using 원중근경 (foreground, midground, far) map. [publication 1.]
    • Research on synthesizing game scene sketches using Stable Diffusion. [publication 4.]
    • </> Refactor legacy code of lab
      • Removing dependency on glut which is deprecated.
      • Improvement processing performance using pthread.
      • Removing dependency on VisualStudio2012 and rebuild using CMake for versatility.
  3. [Study club👫] 이니로 동아리
    • </> Study on Algorithm.
    • </> Development Household Account Book Web Service Utilizing the Open Banking API.
    • </> Study on advanced python (Design pattern).
    • </> Development on Bitcoin Auto Trading system.
  4. [Union club👫] 앞구르기 2024-02 ~ Now
  5. [Study📚]
    • 📝 딥러닝 스터디 Study “Understanding Deep Learning - Simon J.D. Prince”. [2023-09 ~ Now]
    • 📝 튜터링 Tutoring Python, Linux & etc.
    • 🏆 [1위] 상명대학교 제1회 수뭉컵 (대학원생이라..비공식 닉네임: 야만적인 힘)


  1. 📰 [AIFactory상🏆] 2023 프로메테우스 X StartUp Hakcathon - Virtual makeup service(코스메테틱)
  2. (🎥) [대상🏆] Github 경진대회 - Sketch photo2seq-pytorch
  3. (🎥) [졸업 프로젝트] Only-vision Line Tracer with FCA(Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist)
  4. </> 📝 ⭐ [MicroProcessor 기말과제] Implementation context switching on ARM-based FRDM-k64f board
  5. 📝 [Computer Vision 프로젝트] Simple ADAS without deep learning </>
  6. 📝 [AI-factory 6위] 스마트축사 데이터 활용 대회
  7. 🎥 Sudoku Solver through a picture
  8. 🎥 학부생들을 위한 Stable Diffusion and LoRA 활용법 튜토리얼 제작
  9. </> [f1score 0.997 달성] 2023 구강이미지 합성데이터 헬스케어 AI 경진대회
  10. </> [연습 22위] 도배하자 분류 경진대회


  1. Kim, J., Yang, H., & Min, K. (2024). DALS: Diffusion-Based Artistic Landscape Sketch. Mathematics, 12(2), 238.
  2. Kim, H., Kim, J., & Yang, H. (2023). Portrait Sketch Generative Model for Misaligned Photo-to-Sketch Dataset. Mathematics, 11(17), 3761.
  3. Kim, H., Kim, J., & Yang, H. (2022). A GAN-based face rotation for artistic portraits. Mathematics, 10(20), 3860
  4. Kim, J., Yang, H., & Min, K. (2023). Urban Landscape Game Scene Sketch Generation Framework with Stable Diffusion. 한국컴퓨터게임학회 논문지, 36(4), 101-105.


  1. [2017/2] 학과차석 (Second Top Student in the Department)
  2. [2018/2] 학과차석 (Second Top Student in the Department)
  3. [2020/2] 학과차석 (Second Top Student in the Department)
  4. [2021/1] SW인재 (SW Talent)
  5. [2021/2] SW인재 (SW Talent)
  6. [2022/1] 면학B (Academic Excellence Scholarship)
  7. [2022/2] 면학B (Academic Excellence Scholarship)
    • 이 외 (National Scholarship 포함) 22회 수혜.
      총합 약 45,000,000원.